Get In Touch

Can I tour the Brickyard before booking?

Yes! Use the form on the right or give us a call to schedule a tour of our event center.

How much does it cost to rent the Brickyard?

You can view a full breakdown of our pricing on the Price page found in the menu above.

Is the Brickyard only for weddings?

The Brickyard is the perfect event center for business meetings, conferences, and celebrations of all kinds including weddings, quinceaneras, and more.

Schedule a Tour or Ask Us a Question!

Our team would love to help you in planning your event. Use the form below and a team member will contact you to schedule a time to see our facility or answer any questions you have.

    Contact Us

    Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.